Ready to Move Baby to Their Nursery Overnight? 5 Steps to Support this Transition
Sep 20, 2023
If you are currently room sharing with your baby, you may be wondering when the right time is to move baby to their own room for overnight sleep.
Well, the truth is there is no ‘right’ time - as this is a decision that should feel right to you and your family. Know that there is NO rush on the timeline for this transition, and many families and cultures choose to room share with their babies for many months or even years. Other families feel comfortable and ready to move their babies soon after coming home from the hospital.
What does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend? They suggest ideally room sharing for at least the first 6 months of your babies life. You can ready more about the AAP’s Safe Sleep Recommendations here: AAP Safe Sleep. The AAP recommends room sharing because it can decrease the risk of SIDS by as much as 50%. Room sharing can also make it easier for many parents to feed, comfort and watch their baby.
For those feeling ready to gear up for this transition, the task can feel a little bit daunting. But, it doesn’t need to! Especially if you go into it feeling prepared and very much ready for this change. It’s a change for your baby.. but it’s also a change for you as a parent!
Below, I am sharing five tips to support your baby with transitioning from a crib or bassinet in your room, to their nursery.
1. You can begin by offering at least one crib nap a day in the nursery.
This can help your baby become more familiar with the space. I recommend starting with the first nap of the day in the nursery. This is because sleep pressure is the highest at first nap. This will help them to be more likely to fall asleep with a little more ease in their new space. If your baby does well with the first nap in the nursery, try to add in more naps in this room where you can! The more practice, the better of course. If your baby struggles - no need. Prioritize helping them keep their daytime sleep tank filled as well, by offering the remainder of the naps in their usual and comfortable sleep space. It’s a balance and you can follow your baby’s pace with this piece.
2. Visit the nursery several times a day - simply to do fun little things!
The more positive interactions that can take place in their nursery, the better. Sing their songs on the floor, and make a point to do diaper changes and getting dressed in their room. Incorporate some fun play then right in their nursery to build a positive association with this space! Having a little basket of toys in the room can be a great way to make this easier to remember to do Perhaps after their breakfast, head up to their nursery to read some books, do some tummy time on their floor, or snuggle in their nursery chair. The goal is that you want your baby to recognize this space as somewhere very pleasant to be!
3. When you decide you’re ready to make that overnight move, start by doing a little bit of prep work: a week prior to that night, begin completing baby’s *bedtime routine* in their nursery.
Then once their bedtime routine is complete, you can bring them back to your room and place them down to sleep in their usual crib or bassinet by your bed. For example, after bath time, head to their nursery for lotions, diaper, PJs, then and a book and snuggle in their nursery chair. You’ll do all this before heading back with them to your room. This practice will help baby to gradually begin to associate that positive bedtime wind-down with their soon-to-be new sleep space.
4. When officially ready to move, I suggest first moving their usual sleep space, such as their bassinet, crib, or pack and play to the nursery.
You can have your baby first sleep in here so that while the room changes, their immediate surroundings of their bassinet stays the same. Baby steps! They can the get used to one small change at a time. Have baby spend the first 3-5 days at this step to help familiarize them with just being in a new room overnight. If it goes well after the first 2 nights, you can proceed with the next step. Again, follow your baby’s lead with this piece and use the extra days if they need time to adjust. Ensure their nursery is equipped with all of their usual comforts: their familiar sound machine, black out blinds, sleep sack, etc. You’ll complete all the steps of their bedtime routine in that room, then have baby sleep in that room as well! Many babies will surprise their parents by doing quite well at this point. If your baby needs time to adjust, don’t worry.. this is also normal and change can be hard. Difference babies adjust to changes at different paces.
5. Lastly, after it’s been those 3-5 nights - make the full switch!
Complete all the steps of their usual and comforting bedtime routine, and then have them sleep in their nursery crib. Again, many babies do surprisingly well with this step, but of course, manage expectations, as this is a new (likely bigger!) sleeping space. Change can be difficult, but you’re there to support your little one with this and all the steps leading up will have helped to gradually prepare your little one for their new room. Give it time, practice, and consistency.. and you will get there!
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